1. What are the TWO conditions for being able to operate plant on site? / ¿Cuáles son las DOS condiciones para operar planta en el lugar?
A) You must be trained and competent / Debes estar entrenado y competente
B) You must be authorized / Debes estar autorizado
C) You must be over 21 years old
D) You must hold a full driving licence
E) You must hold a UK passport
2. Your supervisor asks you to drive a dumper truck. You have never driven one before. What should you do? / Tu supervisor te pide que conduzcas un camión de volteo. Tu nunca has conducido uno. ¿Qué deberías hacer?
A) Ask a trained driver how to operate it
B) Explain to your supervisor that you are not trained and therefore cannot operate it / Explicar a tu supervisor que tu no estás entrenado y por lo tanto no puedes manejarlo
C) Watch other dumpers to see how they are operated
D) Get on with it
3. A lorry is in trouble as it tries to reverse into a tight space. You have not been trained as a signaller. What should you do? / Un camión tiene problemas y trata de girar en un espacio estrecho. No has sido entrenado para señalar. ¿qué deberías hacer?
A) Stay well out of the way / Mantenerte bien y lejos de su camino
B) Help the driver by giving hand signals
C) Help the driver by jumping up into the cab
D) Offer to adjust the mirrors on the lorry
4. What do you need before you can supervise any lift using a crane? / ¿Qué necesitas antes de poder supervisor cualquier elevación usando grúa?
A) Nothing, you make it up as you go along
B) You must be trained and assessed as competent / Debes ser entrenado y evaluado como compentente
C) Written instructions from the crane hire company
D) Nothing, the crane driver will tell you what to do
5. A mobile plant operator can let people ride in or on the machine: / Una planta de operación móvil puede permitir que la gente se monte en o sobre la máquina:
A) If they have a long way to walk
B) As long as the site speed limit is not exceeded
C) Only if it is designed to carry passengers and has a designated seat / Solo si está diseñada para transportar pasajeros y tiene sitios prefijados
D) If the cab door is shut
6. You need to walk past someone using a mobile crane. You should: / Necesitas pasar a alguien usando una grúa, deberías:
A) Guess what the crane operator will do next and squeeze by
B) Try to catch the attention of the crane operator
C) Run to get past the crane quickly
D) Take another route so that you stay clear of the crane / Tomar otra ruta para mantenerte limpio de la grúa
7. When you walk across the site, what is the best way to avoid an accident with mobile plant? / Cuando andas cruzando el lugar, cuál es la mejor manera de evitar un accidente con una planta móvil?
A) Keep to the designated pedestrian routes / Mantenerte en las rutas destinadas a peatones
B) Ride on the plant
C) Get the attention of the driver before you get too close
D) Wear hi-vis clothing
8. You need to walk past a 360° mobile crane. The crane is operating near a wall. What is the main danger? / Necesitas pasar por debajo de una grúa de 360º. La grúa está operando cerca de una pared. ¿Cuál es el principal peligro?
A) The crane could crash into the wall
B) You could be crushed if you walk between the crane and the wall / Podrías ser aplastado entre la grúa y la pared
C) Whole body vibration from the crane
D) High noise levels from the crane
9. You are walking across the site. A large mobile crane reverses across your path. What should you do? / Estas cruzando el lugar. Una gran grúa móvile se vuelve cruzando tu camino. ¿qué deberías hacer?
A) Help the driver to reverse
B) Start to run so that you can pass behind the reversing crane
C) Pass close to the front of the crane
D) Wait or find another way around the crane / Esperar o encontrar otro camino rodeando la grúa
10. When is site transport allowed to drive along a pedestrian route? / ¿Cuándo un elemento de transporte está permitido que conduzca por una ruta de peatones?
A) During meal breaks
B) If it is the shortest route
C) Only if necessary and if all pedestrians are excluded / Sólo si es necesario y todos los peatones están excluidos
D) Only if the vehicle has a flashing yellow light
11. Which of these would you NOT expect to see if site transport is well organised? / ¿Cuál de estas NO esperas ver en lugares de transporte bien organizados?
A) Speed limits
B) Barriers to keep pedestrians away from mobile plant and vehicles
C) Pedestrians and mobile plant using the same routes / Peatones y plantas móviles usando las mismas rutas
D) One-way systems
12. How would you expect a well-organised site to keep pedestrians away from traffic routes? / ¿Cómo esperarías que mantienen a los peatones alejados de las rutas de tráfico en un sitio bien organizado?
A) The site manager will direct all pedestrians away from traffic routes
B) The traffic routes will be shown on the Health and Safety Law poster
C) There will be barriers between traffic and pedestrian routes / Habrá barreras entre las rutas de tráfico y las de peatones
D) There is no need to keep traffic and pedestrians apart
13. A site vehicle is most likely to injure pedestrians when it is: / En un sitio de vehículos es más probable herir a peatones cuando:
A) Reversing / Se da marcha atrás
B) Lifting materials onto scaffolds
C) Tipping into an excavation
D) Digging out footings
14. You must not walk behind a lorry when it is reversing because: / No deberías andar detrás de un camión cuando está dando marcha atrás por qué:
A) Most lorries are not fitted with mirrors
B) The driver is unlikely to know you are there / El conductor probablemente no sepa que estás ahí
C) Most lorry drivers aren’t very good at reversing
D) You will need to run, not walk, to get past it in time
15. The quickest way to your work area is through a contractor’s vehicle compound. Which way should you go? / La forma más rápida de trabajar en tu área es a través de un vehículo compuesto de un contratista, ¿Qué ruta deberías usar?
A) Around the compound if vehicles are moving
B) Straight through the compound if no vehicles appear to be moving
C) Around the compound every time / Rodeando el vehículo compuesto cada vez
D) Straight through the compound if no-one is looking
16. A fork-lift truck is blocking the way to where you want to go on site. It is lifting materials onto a scaffold. What should you do? / Un toro está bloqueando el camino donde quieres ir. Está elevando materiales a un andamio. ¿Qué deberías hacer?
A) Only walk under the raised load if you are wearing a safety helmet
B) Catch the driver’s attention and then walk under the raised load
C) Start to run so that you are not under the load for very long
D) Wait or go around, but never walk under a raised load / Esperar o rodearlo, pero nunca andar debajo de una carga en movimiento
17. You think some mobile plant is operating too close to where you have to work. What should you do first? / Si consideras que hay alguna planta flotante que esta funcionando demasiado cerca de donde se tiene que trabajar ¿que deberías hacer primero?
A) Stop work and speak to the plant operator
B) Stop work and speak to the plant operator’s supervisor
C) Keep a good lookout for the plant and carry on working
D) Stop work and speak to your own supervisor / Detener el trabajo y hablar con su propio supervisor
18. If you see a dumper being driven too fast you should: / Si tu ves un camión dumper que esta siendo conducido demasiado rápido tu debes:
A) Keep out of its way and report the matter. / Manetenerse fuera de su camino y reportar el hecho.
B) Try to catch the dumper and speak to the driver
C) Report the matter to the police
D) Do nothing, dumpers are allowed to go above the site speed limit
19. You see a lorry parking. It has a flat tyre. Why should you tell the driver? / Ves un aparcamiento de camiones. Hay una rueda pinchada que le deberías decir al conductor.
A) The lorry will use more fuel
B) The lorry will need to travel at a much slower speed
C) The lorry could be unsafe to drive. / El camión es inseguro para conducir.
D) The lorry can only carry small loads
20. An excavator has just stopped work. Liquid is dripping and forming a small pool under the back of the machine. What could this mean? / Una excavadora acaba de parar el trabajo. Esta goteando liquido y forma una pequeña piscina bajo la parte posterior de la maquina ¿que quiere decir esto?
A) It is normal for fluids to vent after the machine stops
B) The machine is hot so the diesel has expanded and overflowed
C) Someone put too much diesel into the machine before it started work
D) The machine has a leak and could be unsafe / La máquina tiene un derrame y podría ser inseguro
21. You see a mobile crane lifting a load. The load is about to hit something. What should you do? / Se ve una grúa móvil levantar una carga. La carga esta a punto de chocar con algo. ¿Que debes hacer?
A) Go and tell your supervisor
B) Try and warn the person supervising or banking the lift / Tratar de avisar a la persona que supervise y bajar la carga
C) Go and tell the crane driver
D) Do nothing and assume everything is under control
22. You see a driver refuelling an excavator. Most of the diesel is spilling onto the ground. What is the first thing you should do? / Ve a un conductor reposar una excavadora. La mayor parte del diesel se derrama por el suelo ¿cual es la primera cosa que debo hacer?
A) Tell your supervisor the next time you see them
B) Tell the driver immediately. / Decirle al conductor inmediatamente.
C) Look for a spillage kit immediately
D) Do nothing, the diesel will eventually seep into the ground
23. You think a load is about to fall from a moving fork-lift truck. What should you do? / Tu piensas que una carga esta a punto de caer de una carretilla elevadora en movimiento ¿Qué debe hacer?
A) Keep clear but try to warn the driver and others in the area. / Mantener claro, pero trata de advertir al conductor y a los otros en el área.
B) Run alongside the machine and try to hold on to the load
C) Run and tell your supervisor
D) Sound the nearest fire alarm bell
24. How would you expect to be told about the site traffic rules? / ¿Cómo se puede esperar a ser informado de las reglas de trafico del sitio?
A) During site induction. / Durante la charla de induccion
B) By a Health and Safety Executive (HSE) inspector
C) By a note on a notice board
D) In a letter sent to your home