Emergency procedures and first aid

Emergency procedures and first aid / Procedimientos de emergencia y primeros auxilios



1. You will find out about emergency assembly points from: / Tu te enteraras de los puntos de reunión de emergencia.

A) A risk assessment

B) A method statement

C) The site induction. / En la charla de introduccion

D) The permit to work



2. How should you be informed about what to do in an emergency? Give TWO answers. / ¿Como deberías informar sobre que hacer en una emergencia? Elige dos respuestas.

A) From the site induction. / Desde la charla de introduccion.

B) Look in the health and safety file

C) Ask the Health and Safety Executive (HSE)

D) Ask the local hospital

E) From the site notice boards. / Desde los carteles de noticias en el lugar



3. A first-aid box should NOT contain: / Una caja de primeros auxilios no debería contener.

A) Bandages

B) Plasters

C) Safety pins

D) Over the counter medicines such as aspirin or painkillers. / Medicinas tal como aspirina y analgesicos.




4. The first-aid box on site is always empty. What should you do? / La caja de primeros auxilios en el lugar esta vacía ¿Que debería hacer?

A) Bring your own first-aid supplies into work

B) Find out who is taking all the first-aid supplies

C) Find out who looks after the first-aid box and let them know. / Averiguar quien se ocupa de la caja de primeros auxilios y hacérselo saber.

D) Ignore the problem, it is always the same



5. Does your employer have to provide a first-aid box? / ¿Tiene que llevar tus empleados una caja de primeros auxilios?

A) Yes, every site must have one. / Si todo el mundo debe tener uno.

B) Only if more than 50 people work on site

C) Only if more than 25 people work on site

D) No, there is no legal duty to provide one



6. When would you expect eyewash bottles to be provided? / ¿Cuándo esperarías que botellas para lavar ojos debes ser proporcionadas?

A) Only on demolition sites where asbestos has to be removed

B) Only on sites where refurbishment is being carried out

C) On all sites where people could get something in their eyes. / En aquellos sitios donde la gente puede tener algo en sus ojos.

D) On all sites where showers are needed



7. If you want to be a first aider, you should: / Si tu quieres ser primeros auxilios, tu deberías:

A) Watch a first aider treating people then try it yourself

B) Ask if you can do a first-aider’s course / Preguntar si puedes hacer un curso de primeros auxilios.

C) Buy a book on first aid and start treating people

D) Speak to your doctor about it



8. What is the first thing you should do if you find an injured person? / ¿Que es lo primero que deberías hacer si encuentras una persona lesionada?

A) Tell your supervisor

B) Check that you are not in any danger before you check the injured person / Chequear que tu antes no tienes ningún daño.

C) Move the injured person to a safe place

D) Ask the injured person what happened



9. If someone falls and is knocked unconscious, you should first: /  Si alguien se cae y es golpeado inconscientemente, tu deberías primero:

A) Turn them over so they are lying on their back

B) Send for medical help. / Solicitar ayuda medica.

C) Slap their face to wake them up

D) Give mouth-to-mouth resuscitation



10. Someone has fallen from height and has no feeling in their legs. You should: / Alguien ha sufrido una caida en altura y no siente sus piernas. tu deberías:

A) Roll them onto their back and keep their legs straight

B) Roll them onto their side and bend their legs

C) Ensure they stay still and don’t move them until medical help arrives / Asegurar que se quede quieto y no moverlo hasta que llegue la ayuda médica.

D) Raise their legs to see if any feeling comes back



11. Someone working in a deep manhole has collapsed. What is the first thing you should do? / Alguien esta trabajando en una agujero profundo y se colapsa. ¿Qué es lo primero que deberias hacer?

A) Get someone to lower you into the manhole on a rope

B) Climb into the manhole and give mouth-to-mouth resuscitation

C) Go and tell your supervisor

D) Shout and raise the alarm as a trained rescue team will be needed. / Sera necesario gritar y dar la alarma al equipo de rescate entrenado.



12. If there is an emergency while you are on site you should first: / Si hay una emergencia mientras estas en el lugar tu primero deberías:

A) Leave the site and go home

B) Phone home

C) Follow the site emergency procedure / Seguir el procedimiento de emergencia en el lugar.

D) Phone the Health and Safety Executive (HSE)



13. If someone is in contact with a live cable the best thing you can do is: / Si alguien esta en contacto con una linea de vida con tensión, lo mejor que puedes hacer es:

A) Phone the electricity company

B) Dial 999 and ask for an ambulance

C) Switch off the power and call for help. / Apagar el interruptor de potencia y llamar para pedir ayuda.

D) Pull them away from the cable



14. What does this sign mean? / ¿Que significa este símbolo?




Safety glasses cleaning station

B) Emergency eyewash station. / Estación de emergencia de lavado de ojos.

C) Warning, risk of splashing

D) Wear eye protection


15. What does this sign mean? / ¿Que significa este símbolo?



First aid / Primeros auxilios

B) Safe to cross

C) No waiting

D) Medicine box



16. If you cut your finger and it won’t stop bleeding, you should: / Si tienes un corte en el dedo y no paras de sangrar, que deberías hacer.

A) Wrap something around it and carry on working

B) Tell your workmates

C) Wash it clean then carry on working

D) Find a first aider or get other medical help. / Buscar un socorrista o pedir ayuda medica



17. What is the one thing a first aider CANNOT do for you? / ¿Que es la única cosa que un primeros auxilios no puede hacer por ti?

A) Give mouth-to-mouth resuscitation

B) Stop any bleeding

C) Give you medicines without authorization / Dar medicamentos sin autorizacion

D) Treat you if you are unconscious


18. If you think someone has a broken leg you should: / Si tu piensas que alguien se ha roto una pierna tu deberías:

A) Lie them on their side in the recovery position

B) Use your belt to strap their legs together

C) Send for the first aider or get other help. / Enviar lo al primeros auxilios (socorrista) y buscar otra ayuda

D) Lie them on their back



19. If someone gets some grit in their eye, the best thing you can do is: / Si alguien tiene arena en su ojo lo mejor que puedes hacer es:

A) Hold the eye open and wipe it with clean tissue paper

B) Ask them to rub the eye until it starts to water

C) Tell them to blink a couple of time

D) Hold the eye open and flush it with sterilised water or eyewash. / Mantener el ojo abierto y rociarlo con agua esterilizada o limpia ojos.



20. Someone gets a large splinter in their hand. It is deep under the skin and it hurts. What should you do? / Si alguien tiene una astilla en su mano. Esta por debajo de la piel y duele ¿Qué deberías hacer?

A) Use something sharp to dig it out

B) Make sure they get first aid / Asegurar que consigues un primeros auxilio (Socorrista)

C) Tell them to ignore it and let the splinter come out on its own

D) Try to squeeze out the splinter with your thumbs



21. Someone collapses with stomach pain and there is no first aider on site. What should you do first? / Alguien se colapsa por una dolencia en el estomago y no hay un primeros auxilios en el sitio. ¿ Que deberías hacer?

A) Get them to sit down

B) Get someone to call the emergency services / Conseguir que alguien llame al servicio de emergencias

C) Get them to lie down in the recovery position

D) Give them some painkillers



22. Someone has got a nail in their foot. You are not a first aider. You must not pull out the nail because: / Alguien tiene un clavo en el pie. Tu no eres primeros auxilios. Tu no puedes sacarle el clavo porque:

A) You will let air and bacteria get into the wound

B) The nail is helping to reduce the bleeding. / El clavo ayuda a evitar el desangramiento.

C) It will prove that the casualty was not wearing safety boots

D) The nail is helping to keep their boot on



23. If someone burns their hand the best thing you can do is: / Si alguien se quema la mano lo mejor que puedes hacer es:

A) Put the hand into cold water or under a cold running tap. / Pon la mano dentro de agua fria o debajo del grifo.

B) Tell them to carry on working to exercise the hand

C) Rub barrier cream or Vaseline into the burn

D) Wrap your handkerchief around the burn