General responsibilities / Responsabilidades generales

General responsibilities / Responsabilidades generales



1. Who is responsible for reporting any unsafe conditions on site? / ¿Quien es el responsable de reporter una condicion insegura en el lugar?

A) The site manager only

B) The client

C) Health and Safety Executive (HSE) inspectors

D) Everyone on site / Cualquiera en el lugar

2. During site induction you do not understand something the presenter says. What should you do? / Durante la charla de introducción por el presentador ¿Qué deberíamos hacer?

A) Attend another site induction

B) Ask the presenter to explain the point again / Preguntar al presentador que lo explique otra vez

C) Guess what the presenter was trying to tell you

D) Wait until the end then ask someone else to explain

3. Now that work on site is moving forward, the safety rules given in your site induction seem out of date. What should you do? / Ahora el trabajo en el lugar avanza y las reglas de seguridad dadas en charla de inducción parecen fuera de fecha  ¿Qué deberías hacer?

A) Do nothing; you are not responsible for safety on site

B) Speak to your supervisor about your concerns / Hablar con el supervisor sobre tus preocupaciones

C) Speak to your workmates to see if they have any new rules

D) Make up your own safety rules to suit the changing conditions


4. What is the most important reason for keeping your work area clean and tidy? / ¿Cual es la razón más importante de mantener una zona de trabajo limpia y ordenada?

A) To prevent slips, trips and falls / Prevenir resbalones, caídas…

B) So that you don’t have a big clean-up at the end of the week

C) So that waste skips can be emptied more often

D) To recycle waste and help the environment

5. The work of another contractor is affecting your safety. You should stop work and: / Si el trabajo de otra contrata os afecta en temas de seguridad. Tu debes parar los trabajos y:

A) Go home

B) Speak to your supervisor / Hablar con el supervisor

C) Speak to the contractor’s supervisor

D) Speak to the contractor who is doing the job


6. You are using some equipment. It has just been given a prohibition notice. What does this mean? / Estás usando un equipo. Y justo recibes una nota de prohibición ¿Qué significa?

A) You must not use it unless your supervisor is present

B) You must not use it until it is made safe / No debes usarlo hasta que sea seguro

C) You can use it as long as you take more care

D) Only supervisors can use it


7. The whole site has been issued with a prohibition notice. What does this mean to you? / Si en todo el sitio ha sido emitida una noticia de prohibición ¿Qué significa esto para ti?

A) You can carry on working because it was nothing to do with you

B) You are not allowed to use any power tools

C) You can finish what you are doing and then go home

D) You must stop work because the site is unsafe / Debes parar el trabajo porque es un sitio inseguro


8. After watching you work, a Health and Safety Executive (HSE) inspector issues an improvement notice. What does this mean? / Después de ver tu trabajo, el inspector de seguridad y salud detecta una noticia de mejora ¿que significa esto?

A) You are not working fast enough

B) You need to improve the standard of your work

C) You are not working in a safe way / No estás trabajando de forma segura

D) All of these answers


9. The Law (Health and Safety at Work Act) places legal duties on: / La ley de Seguridad y Salud en el trabajo aplica en deber legal a:

A) Employers only

B) Operatives only

C) All people at work. / Todas las personas de trabajo

D) Self-employed people only


10. As a worker you do NOT have a legal duty to: / Un trabajador no tiene poder legal para:

A) Use all equipment safely and as instructed

B) Write your own risk assessments / Escribir su propia evaluacion de Riesgos.

C) Speak to your supervisor if you are worried about safety on site

D) Report any equipment that is damaged or defective

11. Why is the Health and Safety at Work Act important to you? Give TWO answers / ¿Porque es la Seguridad y Salud en acto de trabajo importante para ti? Elige dos respuestas.

A) It tells you which parts of the site are dangerous

B) It must be learned before starting work

C) It puts legal duties on your employer to provide a safe place to work / Poner deberes legales a tu empresa para suministrar un lugar de trabajo seguro

D) It tells you how to do your job

E) It puts legal duties on you as a worker / Poner los mismos deberes para ti como los del empleado.


12. Which of these is NOT your legal duty as a worker? / ¿Cual de estos no es un deber legal para el trabajador?

A) To look after your own health and safety

B) To look after the health and safety of anyone else who might be affected by your work

C) To write your own risk assessments / Escribir tu propia Evaluación de Riesgos

D) Not to interfere with anything provided for health and safety


13. Who is responsible for managing health and safety on construction sites? / ¿Quién es el responsable de seguridad y salud en los lugares de construcción?

A) The company safety officer

B) The Health and Safety Executive (HSE)

C) The client

D) The site manager / El supervisor

14. A risk assessment identifies: / Una evaluación de riesgo identifica:

A) how to report accidents

B) the site working hours

C) the hazards and safe way of doing the job / Los riesgos y medidas de prevención para hacer los trabajos

D) where the first-aid box is kept


15. You will often hear the word hazard mentioned. What does it mean? / A menudo oirás la palabra riesgo, ¿qué significa?

A) Anything at work that could harm you. / Cualquier cosa durante el trabajo que pueda herirte

B) The site accident rate

C) A type of barrier or machine guard

D) All of these answers


16. You are about to start a job. How will you know if it needs a permit to work? / Estás a punto de empezar un trabajo. ¿Cómo sabes si necesitas una autorización para trabajar?

A) Other workers will tell you

B) The Health and Safety Executive (HSE) will tell you

C) You will not be allowed to start until the permit to work has been issued / No estarás habilitado para empezar el trabajo hasta que el permiso haya sido tramitado.

D) You don’t need to know, as permits to work only affect managers

17. Which of the following THREE answers should be included in a method statement? / Cuáles de las siguientes respuestas deberían estar incluidas en normas de procedimiento (escoge 3).

A) The materials, tools and equipment needed / Los materiales, herramientas y equipo necesario

B) The people involved and the level of competency and training required / La gente involucrada y el nivel de competencia y entrenamiento requerido.

C) The directions to the site

D) The order and correct way the work should bedone

E) The risks you can take / Los riesgos a los que estás expuesto.


18. You find that you cannot do a job as the method statement says you should. What do you do? / Descubres que no puedes hacer un trabajo con las instrucciones del procedimiento. ¿Qué deberías hacer?

A) Make up your own way of doing the job

B) Do not start work until you have talked with your supervisor / No empezar el trabajo hasta hablar con tu supervisor.

C) Ask your workmates how they think you should do the job

D) Contact the Health and Safety Executive (HSE)

19. A permit to work allows: / Una autorización de trabajo permite:

A) the emergency services to come on to the site after an accident

B) certain jobs to be carried out safely under controlled conditions / Trabajos seguros para llevar a cabo con seguridad y bajo condiciones controladas

C) Health and Safety Executive (HSE) inspectors to visit the site

D) untrained people to work without supervision

20. How would you expect to find out about site health and safety rules when you first arrive on site? / ¿Cómo esperas averiguar acerca de las reglas de seguridad y salud cuando llegas por primera vez al lugar de trabajo?

A) During site induction / Durante la charla de introducción del lugar

B) In a letter sent to your home

C) By reading your employer’s health and safety policy

D) By asking others on the site

21. It is your employer’s legal responsibility to discuss matters of health and safety with you because: / Es la responsabilidad legal de tratar temas de seguridad y salud contigo porque:

A) it will mean that you will never have to attend any other health and safety training

B) having done so, your employer will not have any legal responsibility for your health and safety

C) they must inform you of things that will protect your health and safety / Ellos deben informarte sobre las cosas para proteger tu salud y seguridad.

D) you do not have any responsibilities for health and safety

22. What is a tool box talk? / ¿Qué es una charla tool box?

A) A short training session on a particular safety topic / Una charla corta sobre temas de seguridad

B) A talk that tells you where to buy tools

C) Your first training session when you arrive on site

D) A sales talk given by a tool supplier


23. Who should attend a site induction? / ¿Quién debería asistir ala charla de introducción?

A) Cleaners

B) Architects

C) Construction related workers

D) Everyone going on to the site / Cualquiera que vaya a estar en el lugar


24. During a site induction, which of the following TWO topics should be covered? / Durante la charla de introducción, cuáles de los siguientes temas deben ser tratados?

A) The site rules Las normas del lugar

B) Where the cheapest car park is

C) Holiday dates

D) The site emergency procedures / Los procedimientos de emergencia del lugar


25. A near miss is an incident where: / Una falta cercana es un incidente donde:

A) you were just too late to see what happened

B) someone could have been injured / Alguien puede haber resultado herido

C) someone was injured and nearly had to go to hospital

D) someone was injured and nearly had to take time off work


26. You can help prevent accidents by: / Puedes ayudar a prevenir accidentes si:

A) reporting unsafe working conditions / Reportas las condiciones de trabajo inseguras

B) becoming a first aider

C) knowing where the first-aid kit is kept

D) knowing how to get help quickly


27. What is the MAIN reason for attending a site induction? / ¿Cuál es la principal razón para asistir a la charla de introducción?

A) You will get to know other new starters

B) Risk assessments will be handed out

C) Site health and safety rules and site hazards will be explained / Las medidas de seguridad y salud y los riesgos del lugar van a ser explicados.

D) Permits to work will be handed out