1. To lift a load safely you need to think about: /Para elevar una carga de forma segura tu necesitas pensar sobre:
A) Its size and shape / Su forma y tamaño
B) Its weight / Su peso
C) How to grip or hold it firmly / Cómo controlarla y mantenerla firme
D) All of these answers / Todas las respuestas son correctas
2. You are using a trolley to move a heavy load a long distance and a wheel comes off. What should you do? / Estás usando una carretilla para mover una carga pesada una distancia larga y una rueda se pincha. ¿qué deberías hacer?
A) Carry the load the rest of the way
B) Ask someone to help you pull the trolley the rest of the way
C) Drag the trolley on your own the rest of the way
D) Find another way to move the load / Encontrar otra forma de mover la carga
3. You have to move a load that might be too heavy for you. You cannot divide it into smaller parts and there is no-one to help you. What should you do? / Tienes que mover una carga que puede ser demasiado pesada para ti. Tu no puedes dividirla en partes más pequeñas y no hay nadie para ayudarte. ¿Qué deberías hacer?
A) Do not move the load until you have found a safe method / No mover la carga hasta que encuentres un modo seguro de hacerlo
B) Get a fork-lift truck, even though you can’t drive one
C) Try to lift it using the correct lifting methods
D) Lift and move the load quickly to avoid injury
4. You need to move a load that might be too heavy for you. What should you do? / Necesitas mover una carga que pudiera ser demasiado pesada para ti. ¿Qué deberías hacer?
A) Divide the load into smaller loads if possible Dividir la carga en piezas más pequeñas si fuera posible
B) Get someone to help you Conseguir alguien que te ayude
C) Use an aid, such as a trolley or wheelbarrow Usar una herramienta como un toro o una carretilla
D) All of these answers / Todas las respuestas son correctas
5. You have to lift a heavy load. What must your employer do? / Tienes que elevar una carga pesada, ¿qué debería hacer tu empresa?
A) Make sure your supervisor is there to advise while you lift
B) Do a risk assessment of the task / Hacer una evaluación de riesgos de la tarea
C) Nothing, it is part of your job to lift loads
D) Watch you while you lift the load
6. You need to lift a load that is not heavy, but it is so big that you cannot see in front of you. What should you do? / Necesitas elevar una carga que no es pesada, pero es muy grande y no puedes ver en frente tuyo. ¿Qué deberías hacer?
A) Ask someone to help carry the load so that you can both see ahead / Pedir a alguien que sujete la carga para que entre los dos podáis ver adelante
B) Get someone to walk next to you and give directions
C) Get someone to walk in front of you and tell others to get out of the way
D) Move the load on your own because it is so large that anyone in your way is sure to see it
7. Who should decide what weight is safe for you to lift as part of a safe system of work? / Quién debe decidir que peso es seguro elevar como parte de un Sistema de trabajo seguro?
A) You
B) Your supervisor/employer
C) You and your supervisor/employer / Tu y tu supervisor/empresa
D) The Health and Safety Executive (HSE)
8. You have to carry a load down a steep slope. What should you do? / Tienes que bajar una carga por una pendiente empinada, ¿Qué deberías hacer?
A) Walk backwards down the slope to improve your balance
B) Carry the load on your shoulder
C) Assess whether you can still carry the load safely / Evaluar si puedes mantener la carga sujeta de forma segura
D) Run down the slope to finish quickly
9. Under the regulations for manual handling, all workers must: / Según las normas para manejo de cargas, todos los trabajadores deben:
A) wear back-support belts when lifting anything
B) make a list of all the heavy things they have to carry
C) lift any size of load once the risk assessment has been done
D) follow their employer’s safe systems of work /Seguir las instrucciones de tu superior sobre sistemas de trabajo seguro.
10. You are using a wheelbarrow to move a heavy load. Is this manual handling? / Estás usando una carretilla para mover una carga pesada. ¿Es esto manejo de cargas?
A) No, because the wheelbarrow is carrying the load
B) Only if the load slips off the wheelbarrow
C) Yes, you are still manually handling the load / Si, tu todavía estás manejando la carga
D) Only if the wheelbarrow has a flat tyre
11. Which part of your body is most likely to be injured if you lift heavy loads? /¿Qué parte de tu cuerpo es más probable que sea dañada si elevas cargas pesadas?
A) Your knees
B) Your back / Tu espalda
C) Your shoulders
D) Your elbows
12. You have been told how to lift a heavy load, but you think there is a better way to do it. What should you do? / Te han enseñado como elevar una carga, pero tu piensas que hay una mejor forma de hacerlo, ¿Qué deberías hacer?
A) Ignore what you have been told and do it your way
B) Ask your workmates to decide which way you should do it
C) Discuss your idea with your supervisor / Debatir tu idea con tu supervisor
D) Forget your idea and do it the way you have been told
13. Your new job involves some manual handling. An old injury means that you have a weak back. What should you do? / Tú Nuevo trabajo implica algún tipo de manejo de carga. Una vieja lesión te hace tener una espalada débil. ¿Qué deberías hacer?
A) Tell your supervisor you can lift anything
B) Tell your supervisor that lifting might be a problem / Contarle a tu supervisor que elevar cargas puede ser un problema
C) Try some lifting then tell your supervisor about your back
D) Tell your supervisor about your back if it gets injured again
14. Before you lift a heavy load you should always try to: / Antes de que eleves una carga pesada tu siempre deberías intentar:
A) stand with your feet together when lifting
B) bend your back when lifting
C) carry the load away from your body, at arm’s length
D) divide large loads into smaller loads or use lifting equipment / Dividir las cargas en cargas más pequeñas o usar herramienta elevadora
15. You need to lift a load from the floor. You should stand with your: / Necesitas elevar una carga desde el suelo. Tu deberías estar parado con:
A) feet together, legs straight, back bent
B) feet together, knees bent, in a deep squatting position
C) feet slightly apart, one leg slightly forward, knees bent / Pies ligeramente separados, una pierna ligeramente hacia delante y rodillas dobladas
D) feet wide apart, legs straight, back bent
16. If you have to twist or turn your body when you lift and place a load, it means: / Si tienes que torcer o girar tu cuerpo cuando estás elevando y dejando una carga, eso implica:
A) the weight you can lift safely is LESS than usual / El peso que tu puedes elevar de forma segura es inferior al normal
B) the weight you can lift safely is MORE than usual
C) nothing, you can lift the SAME weight as usual
D) you MUST wear a back brace
17. If you wear a back support belt when lifting: /Si llevas una faja lumbar cuando elevas cargas:
A) you can lift any load without being injured
B) you can safely lift more than usual
C) you could face the same risk of injury as when you are not wearing one / Tu podrías enfrentarte al mismo riesgo de lesión como cuando no llevas uno.
D) it will crush your backbone and damage it
18. You need to move a load that is heavier on one side than the other. How should you pick it up? / Necesitas mover una carga que es más pesado de un lado que del otro. ¿Cómo deberías cogerla?
A) With the heavy side towards you / Con la zona pesada hacia ti
B) With the heavy side away from you
C) With the heavy side on your strong arm
D) With the heavy side on your weak arm
19. You have to move a load while you are sitting, not standing. How much can you lift safely? / Tienes que mover una carga cuando estás sentado, no de pie. ¿Cuánto puede elevar de forma segura?
A) Less than usual / Menos que usualmente
B) The usual amount
C) Twice the usual amount
D) Three times the usual amount
20. You need to reach above your head and lower a load to the floor. Which of these is NOT true? /Necesitas alcanzar algo por encima de tu cabeza y bajar una carga al suelo. ¿Cuál de las siguientes es falsa?
A) It will be more difficult to keep your back straight and chin tucked in
B) You will put extra stress on your arms and your back
C) You can safely handle more weight than usual / Tu puedes manejar de forma segura más peso que de normal
D) The load will be more difficult to control